Hyderabad Bible College
Training Organ of IPHC Ministries India
(Associate Member of ATA)
‘Donald Ashram’, Hyderguda, Hyderabad-500048, AP, India
Ph: 040-24010017 E-Mail: hyderabadbiblecollege@gmail.com
Applications are invited from committed and qualified young men and couples of any Christian denominations for the following Courses, in bi-lingual medium (English-Telugu), commencing from June 2012:
1) B.Th. (3 Years) - under the Asia Theological Association
Eligibility: Intermediate / +2 Pass
2) Dip.Th. (2 Years)
3) C.Th. (1 Year)
Candidates willing to apply for any of the above Courses may obtain Application & Prospectus from the Office on payment of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred) by MO or DD in favor of “Hyderabad Bible College” payable at Hyderabad.
The duly filled in Application Form with required attachments should reach the President’s Office on or before May 31, 2012.
Dr. B.S. Moses Kumar, Ph.D.
* You may Visit the Hyderabad Bible College Page on FaceBook
I'm glad to see the increase of bible colleges. I hope many would enroll.